2022 – 2023

#Funded Project NameMain PurposeRecipient OrganizationLocation
1 Engage stakeholders in protecting and contributing to water sustainability of Khuvsgul Lake and Eg River BasinEngage water stakeholders in the planning and implementation of Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) in the KLERB to achieve water sustainability in the region.Mother Khuvsgul Lake Society NGO Khuvsgul
2 Create job opportunities for unemployed vulnerable women by establishing a dairy factory in Govi-Altai province to supply high-quality organic dairy products to local families and childrenIncrease the capacity building of vulnerable women by providing SME training and business development and create job opportunities for 6 women by establishing a dairy factory and supply high-quality organic dairy products to local families and children in Govi-Altai province.Women Entrepreneur Mentors Club NGO, Govi-Altai Branch Govi-Altai
3 Introduce Montessori education in Khuvsgul province and support child development through Montessori teaching methods and materialsIntroduce the teaching of the Montessori learning method and deliver a full set of materials that provide children a chance for a better future by promoting children’s development and the successful transition to primary school. Public Kindergarten No.5 of Khuvsgul ProvinceKhuvsgul
4 Young Environmental Leadership ProgramEmpower young leaders to play a leadership role in the future by helping to sustain and improve Mongolia’s ecological heritage. The Young Environmental Leadership Program (YELP) is a 3-week program for undergraduate students from various disciplines, who are interested in increasing their awareness and understanding of issues affecting the conservation and security of the Mongolian ecosystem.Zorig Foundation NGOUlaanbaatar
5 Introduce psychological counseling service by establishing a counseling room at the Secondary school No.51 in Bayangol DistrictEstablish a school psychology room to conduct counseling services, create resources and awareness for students, and provide consultation for teachers and parents in collaboration with the Institute of Psychology.Secondary School No.51Ulaanbaatar
6 Support child development through Montessori teaching methods in Erdenetsagaan soum, Sukhbaatar province.Support child development through Montessori teaching methods by establishing learning environment equipped with Montessori materials tailored to the child’s age and characteristics.Public Kindergarten No.1 Sukhbaatar
7 STEM Girls project to empower girls with knowledge and grow confidence in STEM fieldsEmpower girls with knowledge and confidence in STEM and boost their competencies to meet the technology demands in the technological era. The project will support high and middle school girls through capacity-building programs and mentorship, peer education, and raise public and increase parents’ awareness of girls in the STEM field. Institute For Future NGO Ulaanbaatar
8 Economic empowerment for women survivors of domestic violenceStrengthen the capacity of women survivors of domestic violence by organizing a series of support group meetings during their stay in temporary shelters, providing them with jobs, on-the-job training, and arranging other activities to support their economic empowerment and increase their financial independence.National Center Against Violence NGOUlaanbaatar
9 Translate children’s books into sign language to enable accessibility and inclusive learning for children with hearing and speech impairmentTranslate children’s books into sign language appropriate for children aged 6 to 9 and to improve social communication and cognitive development for children with hearing and speech impairment by enabling accessibility and inclusive learningPositive Wave to support Deaf People NGO Ulaanbaatar
10 AWARE Project – About Women’s & Adolescent’s Reproductive EmpowermentServe the community by collaborating with key stakeholders to integrate comprehensive sex-ed into schools, which is a critical step to ensuring that the young generation leads a safe and secure life. The project will empower girls and boys by reducing the stigmas and taboos associated with discussing menstruation and sexual health, enabling them to approach sex-ed more comfortably and candidlyGlobal Shapers Ulaanbaatar Hub NGO Ulaanbaatar
11 Business Girls project to strengthen the financial capacity of girls and young female SME entrepreneursStrengthen the financial capacity of girls and young female entrepreneurs in small and medium enterprises in Ulaanbaatar. It will enhance the financial capacity of girls and young women entrepreneurs aged 15-24 by organizing various training and networking events The Princess Center for the Protection of Girls and Young Women’s Rights NGO Ulaanbaatar
12 Empowering victims of domestic violence and raising awareness of local community members of Bagakhangai districtEmpower girls, boys, women, and men of Bagakhangai district survivors of and at risk of domestic violence through a better local protection system, customized training program, and increased participation of the local government staff and community membersDevelopment Alliance NGO Ulaanbaatar
13 Strengthening civic engagement in addressing climate change through journalismIncrease the capacity of 20 young female journalists who will gain knowledge about specified and comprehensive environmental issues, including climate change, to improve political accountability and raise public awareness.Youth Policy Watch NGO Ulaanbaatarr
14 Promoting the development of a slowly emerging inclusive culture and understanding of the needs of people with disabilities by addressing issues of the educationSeek potential solutions to address common challenges regarding the education of children/people with disabilities and to create an open platform for educators, parents, and children (students) through podcasts, vlogs, and to discuss with concerned parents, caretakers, NGOs, public administrators, and school authorities.Mongolian Institute for Innovative Policies NGOUlaanbaatar
15 Boundless dreams project to empower disabled students and teach American Sign Language to special school teachers and deaf studentsEmpower deaf teenagers through package training, including personal development and career advising, and build self-confidence through various classes and activities. With the collaboration of the University of New Brunswick, Canada, American Sign Language (ASL) will be taught to special school teachersEducational Advising and Resource Center NGOUlaanbaatar
16 Sensitive Youth project to strengthen gender equality by increasing the positive and creative participation of boys in family and social relationsReduce gender inequality and its effects by empowering boys and creating a positive impact on attitudes by prioritizing the learning environment, such as classrooms and dormitoriesGood Help Center for Support of Development of Western Region Community Serving NGO Uvs
17 Strengthening social accountability in Zavkhan province through the meaningful engagement of the youthEmpower young people to identify their development challenges together and introduce them to ways to tackle them through social accountability tools, including their initiatives, and ensure their participation in solving them by promoting multi-stakeholder engagementMongolian Economic Analysis and Research Center NGO Zavkhan
18 Saving Sight of Disadvantaged ChildrenDeliver comprehensive, high-quality eye services for 800 children aged 5 to 18 from marginalized communities to prevent avoidable blindness and improve their quality of lifeChristina Noble Children’s Foundation NGO Regional
19 Enhancing Positive Adolescent Development (PAD) among Kazakh ethnic minority children in Bayan Ulgii, MongoliaEngage, empower, and educate ethnic minority students to grow up as independent individuals with strong social competency and self-awareness on human dignity, child rights, gender equality, and physical and mental health. The project’s main activity involves training, health and psychological counseling, and social media promotionsMyanganii Dewshil NGO Bayan-Ulgii Branch Bayan-Ulgii
20Financial Education for Building Life ResilienceEngage 100 children aged between 15-19 years old from Bayangol district ger areas in financial education training designed to help them be better prepared to start an adult life.Financial Education HUB NGOUlaanbaatar
21 Empowering teenage mothers in Mongolia by supporting their psychological, social, and physical adaptationEmpower 20 teenage mothers by providing early-stage support and motivation to transition smoothly to adulthood. Mothers will have access to education opportunities and psychological and economic stability and become strong women who lead happier lives and better careers.For Better Education NGOUlaanbaatar, Khentii

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