2013 – 2014

#Funded Project NameMain PurposeRecipient OrganizationLocation
1 Advocating for better public services to victims of domestic and gender based violence Train public service professionals to provide better services to victims of domestic and gender based violence.  National Center Against Violence Ulaanbaatar
2 Girls are not target of violence – 3 months campaigning Campaign/exhibition against violence and discrimination. Princess Center, NGO Ulaanbaatar
3 Promoting equal access to education and employment rights for disabled people in Emeelt area Conduct literacy and life skill trainings for disabled people, and provide basic equipment. Enkhmonkh Tumbum, NGO Ulaanbaatar
4 Improve the environment of shelter house and provide human rights based services to victims Renovate shelter house and provide equipment to provide better services to victims. National Center Against Violence (Dundgovi branch) Dundgovi
5 “Shelter” project Establish a shelter house for victims of domestic and gender based violence. Family and Children Development Dept., Governor’s Office in Dornod Dornod 
6 Contributing to advocacy and health rights of visually impaired children in dormitory Improve the living and surrounding conditions for visually impaired children living in dormitory. School #116 Ulaanbaatar

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