2015 – 2016

#Funded Project NameMain PurposeRecipient OrganizationLocation
1 Improving health literacy of SOGI diverse individuals through creating a Library/Resource center Improve health literacy through information sharing and digital interaction, and support positive identity development. Youth for Health Ulaanbaatar
2 Providing equal access to health services, including reproductive health, for women with disabilities through improving knowledge among healthcare workers and women with disabilities Improve the knowledge of women and girls with disabilities, and health professionals and doctors on disability and health-related issues. Mongolian National Association for Wheelchair Users Arkhangai, Bayankhongor, Darkhan-Uul, Uvurkhangai, Khentii, Ulaanbaatar
3 Protecting the rights of victims of sexual assault during interrogation and suspect recognition through establishing a special interview room and a separate room for recognizing the suspects  Ensure human rights of victims through establishing the interrogation and separate rooms. General Police Department  Tuv, Ulaanbaatar
4 Protecting the rights of seniors staying in Senior Care Facilities and enabling them to meet their basic needs.  Organize trainngs for the staff, develop guideline and the procedure to report and respond to any types of human rights violation, and thereby improve the service standards for the elderly. Philanthropy Center for Children and the Elderly Ulaanbaatar
5 Advancing religious freedom in Mongolia through evaluating the current regulatory framework and developing recommendation. Assess religious freedom through evaluating the existing law. Tungaamal Centre Ulaanbaatar
6 Preventing early and forced marriage among adolescents Educating adolescents about unwanted child pregnancy and early and forced marriage. Public Administration New Initiatives Bayan-Ulgii, Ulaanbaatar
7 Increasing family income of unemployed community living in the remote areas through establishing sewing workshop Increase family income for unemployed adults living in remote areas of Bayankhoshuu through establishing sewing workshop. Jubilee Society  Ulaanbaatar
8 Equipping non-formal education centre for children living in poor conditions and willing to improve their education in Nalaikh district through purchasing computers and desks Promote better access to non-formal education for children living in poor conditions. Avidyn Oron  Nalaikh district
9 Creating psychologically compatible environment through establishing a rest area for mothers whose children are being treated in the National Health Center of Mothers and Children Create psychologically pleasant environment for mothers whose children are hospitalized. Friendly Mongolia  Ulaanbaatar

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