2011 – 2012

#Funded Project NameMain PurposeRecipient OrganizationLocation
1 International Human Rights Training Program in 2011 Strengthen the capacity of the NHRCM, enhance human rights education. National Human Rights Commission of Mongolia Ulaanbaatar
2 Reforestation, tree farming and forest protection in Tunkhel village, Mandal soum, Selenge aimag Set a model of environmental protection and rehabilitation, and support activities of the Cooperatives in Mandal soum. Khujirt Cooperative in Mandal soum Selenge 
3 Construction of an indoor lavatory and replacement of the roof/ electrical wiring of the secondary school #2 in Kherlen soum, Dornod aimag Create healthier and safer learning environment for children, and provide pleasant working conditions for the school staff/teachers. School #2 in Kherlen soum Dornod 
4 Basic healthcare and education for children with disabilities in Dornod aimag Improve access to basic education and healthcare for children with disabilities and increase social support. Association of Parents with Disabled Children Dornod
5 Establishment of a public shower house in Bulgan aimag Provide shower services to residents of Bulgan aimag center. Women Leader Foundation Bulgan 
6 Advocacy towards efficient, professional and timely public service for victims of gender based violence. Advocate for provision of efficient, professional and timely public services to victims of gender based violence. National Center Against Violence Ulaanbaatar
7 Application of a participatory approach in human rights education Facilitate capacity building of the target civil society organizations and groups. Coalition of Civil Sociaty Organizations ‘All for Education’ Ulaanbaatar
8 Milk supply chain development Establish and develop the most appropriate chain to produce and supply milk and diary products.  Dairy Research Association of Mongolia Selenge
9 Vocational training on construction work Create educational and employment opportunities for unemployed men and women, and stimulate income generation. Rivady Vocational Training Center Ulaanbaatar
10 Vocational training on dual specialization Create educational and employment opportunities for unemployed men and women, and stimulate income generation. Diplomat Salon Ulaanbaatar
11 Vocational and life skill training for wheelchair users Create comfortable environment for wheelchair users to work and live. Mongolian Association of Wheelchair Users Ulaanbaatar
12 A Book Gher in Songinokhairkhan district Build a library/community center that facilitates local residents, elderly people and children to spend their free time in a more meaningful way, and provide trainings. Mongolian Education Alliance Ulaanbaatar
13 Opportunities for youth in remote areas Support basic education within Uriankhai ethnic group and improve their livelihood through a series of trainings. Primary School in Altai soum Bayan-Ulgii
14 TV program series Prepare TV programs to enhance civic education and participation in decision making. Education Television Ulaanbaatar
15 Felt production to contribute in poverty reduction and unemployment Establish a felt product manufacturing workshop with necessary equipment, and thereby create job opportunities. Palace of Hope, NGO Ulaanbaatar
16 Value-added livestock products in Khovd aimag Develop a supply chain and added value in livestock products through improving collection of quality raw materials from herders. Nomads Prosperity Cooperative Khovd
17 Construction of a kindergarten in Ulziit district Provide access to pre-school education to children from disadvantaged and low-income families.  Orgiluun Ertonts, NGO Ulaanbaatar
18 Facility improvements and refurbishing of selected kindergartens in Khentii, Dornod and Orkhon-Uul aimags Improve the basic furniture and kitchen equipment. Kindergarten #4 Khentii
19 Facility improvements and refurbishing of selected kindergartens in Khentii, Dornod and Orkhon-Uul aimags Improve the basic furniture and kitchen equipment. Kindergarten #2 Dornod
20 Facility improvements and refurbishing of selected kindergartens in Khentii, Dornod and Orkhon-Uul aimags Improve the basic furniture and kitchen equipment. Kindergarten #5 Orkhon-Uul

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